Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island


Coordinates: 47.8602104, 35.0715458
Type of place: Museums
Entrance: Paid
Parking: Absent
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Yes
Interest: Medium
Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island Museum of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Khortitsa island
The sights of the island of Khortytsya attract visitors with centuries - old historical events, enchanting landscapes and stunning monuments. Here everything is saturated with bright colors and details of the kozak era. In the northern part of the mysterious island of Khortytsia you have the opportunity to visit a wonderful museum of the history of the Zaporizhzhya kozaks, whose exhibits are dedicated to the history of this corner of nature and the Zaporizhzhya kozaks.
In 1983, the doors of the museum were opened for the first time, at that time it was called "Historical". Initially, materials on the historical events of the island from ancient times to the present were presented, as well as some data about Zaporizhzhya kozaks from the Soviet worldview. Most of the presented information was related to the general struggle for socialism. And only when Ukraine became an independent country, the museum was repurposed, and materials, dedicated to socialism, were dismantled.
The current museum on the island of Khortytsya is a very popular place, which is visited with pleasure and interest by tourists. This place is just full of information about the Zaporizhzhya region, it breathes the spirit of their ancestors. The museum's collection was created with the participation of many museums, which donated their materials. Also, most of the exhibits were found as a result of archaeological finds and ethnographic expeditions.
The museum consists of many exhibits, which include various aspects of the history of the island. In the section "Khortytsya in ancient times" you can find information about this area from the late Paleolithic to the present day, and in the hall "Khortytsya Island in the times of Kyiv Rus " you can admire the findings of this period. During the Zaporizhzhya kozaks, the museum dedicated two exhibition halls "Reasons for the Origin and Formation of the Zaporizhzhya Kozaks and "Martial Arts of Zaporozhzhya Kozaks." In these halls it is interesting to learn the history of kozaks and admire the exhibits in the form of coins, weapons and unusually beautiful models of kozak ship "Seagull" and ancient carts.
It will be quite interesting to "travel" with diors presented in the museum. Here you can get vivid impressions from what you saw. "Battle of Svyatoslav" reflects the events of the last battle of grand duke in 972. The diorama "Military Council on Sich" presents the holding of a kozaks' meeting, it is in this place you can feel the kozak spirit and atmosphere of that time. Another diorama "Night Assault of Zaporizhzhya in 1943 tells about the great battle, as a result of which the city gained independence. There are shells, mines, a German air bomb and a mortar.
On the territory of the museum there are thematic exhibitions, which are full of the richest collections of rare and interesting materials. The task of these expositions is to bring to the visitor as much interesting information as possible about the history of Zaporizhzhya lands and the inhabitants who inhabited this region. For those who want to take with them a part of this amazing island, you can visit the points of sale of various interesting materials that operate in the museum building. Original souvenirs, glossy books, paintings, various maps and guides always attract the attention of visitors.
Being on the territory of the historic island, you can dive in another mysterious history, and see the historical monument on Khortytsia, as well as the historical and cultural complex "Zaporizhzhya Sich".
Translated by: Anhelina Leshak
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