Singing terraces, Gorodne


Coordinates: 50.1204955, 35.2263576
Type of place: Scenic Nature, Architecture, Unique places
Entrance: Free
Parking: Not equipped
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Partly
Interest: High
Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne Singing terraces, Gorodne

In the early twentieth century, on the slope of the ravine it was built five terraces, fortified with powerful arched walls of which were withdrawn copper drainage pipes. Accumulating the heat, they created a unique microclimate that allows you to grow rare varieties of different fruit trees. Immediately after the construction of terraces planted strawberries, grapes, exotic fruit trees.

The original form of construction given as an amazing acoustic effect: all sounds are amplified several times. They say that here Kharitonenko invited famous singers, and their singing resounded throughout the county.

Now "Singing terraces" belong to the farm "Globovsky", specializing in the cultivation of elite varieties of apples. They are protected by the state as an architectural monument. After visiting this unique location, you can walk terraces, listen to the melody quietly created apple leaves rustle sing there, where once sang F. Chaliapin.

Long before the construction of terraces, these places were the scene of a bloody battle Russian troops against the Swedes during the Northern War. In February 1709 near the village. Gorodnov was defeated one of the Swedish teams. This event recalls a modest monument in the form of a white stele mounted on the edge of the village, near the highway linking Krasnokutsk with Bogodukhov and Kharkov.

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