Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy


Coordinates: 50.0279448, 33.9436126
Type of place: Museums
Entrance: Paid
Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy Gogol Manor-museum, Veliky Sorochintsy
Since Mykola Hohol was born in Sorochyntsi, in the house of Doctor Trochimovskyi, the first state museum of the writer was opened in 1929 exactly in this house. Unfortunately, in 1943 it was destroyed. In 1951, the premises of a new museum were built. The museum does not look like the house mentioned, but it stands on the same place.
The exposition of the museum is in five halls. The main exposition about the writer is in the third one. In this museum you can see Hohol’s certificate of graduation from Nizhyn High School of Higher Sciences, where he had been studding for 7 years, as well as his own drawings.
The first editions of the writer's collections Mirgorod, Arabesque and Dead Souls are in this hall too. There are some personal items here as well: a handkerchief, a notebook, a bag, a top hat and a suitcase with which the writer traveled. Mahogany furniture of mid-18th century and M. Hohol's posthumous mask are particularly valuable.
Translated by: Daria Londar
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