Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress


Coordinates: 49.8429643, 36.6934347
Type of place: Abandoned places, Castles\Homesteads\Fortifications
Entrance: Free
Parking: Not equipped
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Partly
Interest: Medium
Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress Headquarters of military settlements, Chuhuiv Fortress
Half abandoned military settlement brick layered plastered building made in classicism architecture style. House was built to host field corps and district headquarters of Slobids’ka-Ukrainian (Kharkiv) county, where Chuguiv was district center from 1817-1857. After military settlement was closed , it became academy.

This building is a rare architectural building belongs to Ukrainian national heritage.
Translation by: Alyona Belous
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