Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv


Coordinates: 49.6767, 36.2929
Type of place: Architecture, Unique places, Technical object
Entrance: With excursion
Parking: Not equipped
Official Website:
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Partly
Interest: Must see
Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv станція дослідження іоносфери, зміїв Цікаві місця України зміїв Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv Ionospheric research station, Zmiiv

Ionospheric research station is located near the small town of Zmiiv Kharkiv region.

Kharkov ionospheric research station was build a few time before the collapse of the Soviet Union was built, which was a direct analogue of the American HAARP project in Alaska, successfully functioning today. Complex station consisted of several antennas fields and giant parabolic antenna with a diameter of 25 meters, capable of emitting power of about 25 MW.

Ionospheric station of Kharkiv - a set of radio physical devices. They are created at the Institute of Ionospher unique Incoherent Scatter Radar from the world's largest in those time anti-aircraft two-mirror parabolic antenna with a diameter of 100 m fully steerable and parabolic antenna with a diameter of 25 m. Complex research facilities also include short-heating stand an effective capacity of 300 MW antenna size 300x300 m, which is designed to study the effect of powerful radio waves in ionospheric plasma.

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