Spassov skit, Borki


Coordinates: 49.6875875, 36.128186
Type of place: Monuments\Sights
Entrance: Free
Parking: Not equipped
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Yes
Interest: General
Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki Spassov skit, Borki video

One of the shrines of Kharkov region which is located near the railway line-Merepha Lozova is bounded with the events that happened more than 120 years. This shine is located in railway stantion after the staition Borki, near the formerly called "Pervomayskaya". In recent time it`s returned to its original name ago: station "Spasiv Skit".

In the spring of 1888 Emperor of Russian Empire - Alexander III was travelling from Sevastopol to Moscow October. The train consisted of 17 wagons, and it`s engine was 2 times more volume than regular. So it has developed a high speed and ran off the rails near the village Borki. As a result of the accident 21 people was died and 35 was injured 35. But the Emperor along with his family in the train accident were not injured, miraculously remained alive. So by the myth that supposedly Alexander had great physical strength that could keep falling on the roof of the family wagon and thus escape. However, in reality the royal family saved by the fact that the dining car during the accident moved the wall, which did not allow the roof to fall on them.

In honor of the miraculous salvation of Alexander III and his family decided to begin construction the memorial complex. During the years 1891-1894 was built many buildings, including churches. The architector of complex of structures was Robert Marfeld. The complex consisted of brick building almshouses and granite obelisk depicting Emperor participate in the rescue. The Savior Holy Face chapel was build from brick instead of a wood, just in the place where the diner was after the crash. The chapel consisted of tetrahedron tower with a cross and a part of the railway premises was bulk like a "cave".

However, the pearl of the complex was Orthodox church of Christ the Savior. It was grand in its scope the time structure, designed in the Byzantine-Ruthenian style of the 17th century. Temple dome could accommodate about 700 people and altar been turned toward the railroad, eastward. The facade of the chapel of Holy Face of Our Savior and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is embeded with mosaic tiles made by Alexander Frolov in the workshops of the Imperial Academy of Arts, and covered by gold. In the beggining of the prosses was engaged Sviatohirsk monastery, but eventually Spasov skit was transferred to the Ministry of Railways. Since thouse days the church and parish school, library were built also opened a hospital and a nursing home for the railroad.

Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the church was blown up and completely destroyed, while the chapel was badly damaged. Since then the chapel has long been used as a storage room. However, since 1992 the residents took up the partial reconstruction of the chapel. After this process for the Southern Railway also joined and united effort in the summer of 2003 has been fully restored chapel, and the station became known as its historical name - Spasov skit.

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