Salt Lake, Antonivka


Coordinates: 49.3214017, 35.8136058
Type of place: Unique places, Lake
Entrance: Free
Parking: Not equipped
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Not equipped
Interest: Medium
Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka Salt Lake, Antonivka
Did you know that in order to lie down on salt water, it is not necessary to go to the Dead Sea?
The unique salt pond is much closer. Such an atypical place for the Kharkiv region was formed as a result of a technogenic disaster around 1962. During the search for new oil and gas fields near the village of Antonovka, Kegichevsky district, they began to drill a gas well. Then it was assumed that the deposits of gas and oil are located at a huge depth of 3 km under the dome of salt - the so-called salt lens. But the gas pressure turned out to be unexpectedly high, a whole gas fountain broke out from the exploration well. They tried to calm it down, but, barely blowing, the gas fountain scored with a new force. In order to protect people, not only workers were evacuated, but also residents of the nearest village. To avoid the pollution of the atmosphere, the gas burned its torch burned long enough, and the destruction only increased. Around the tower formed a huge crater, swallowed drilling equipment.
In the end, the fountain was stopped using concrete poured into specially drilled corner wells.
Subsequently, the formed crater began to fill the groundwater, eroded the salt lens. Thus a large lake was formed with very saline turquoise water. In winter, the lake did not freeze, there was no life in it. Over the years, the shores of the lake have become more steep, and the water - less saline. Nobody knows the exact depth of the lake so far. The lake continues to desalinate, so hurry to visit this unique place.
Advice - take some food, drinking water and sun protection with you to the lake (there is almost no shadow at the lake).
How to get there!?
- by rail to the station. Kegichevka (with a transfer in Krasnograd), then 7 km on foot.
- by bus to Kegichevka (get off at the turn to Antonovka village), then on foot.
Coordinates: 49.321695, 35.813552
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