Mount Kremyanec, Izium


Coordinates: 49.178309, 37.2778773
Type of place: Scenic Nature, Monuments\Sights, Panoramas\Views
Entrance: Free
Parking: Arranged
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Not equipped
Interest: Medium
Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium Mount Kremyanec, Izium
Mount Kremenets is a hill-monument located in the southern part of Izium city, on the right bank of the Siverskyi Donets River. The hill is considered to be the highest point of Kharkiv region. According to some data, its height is 177.3 m, while others say that it is 218 m above sea level. There are several versions of how the hill got its name. The first one testifies the silicon deposits in the quarry near the mountain. According to the second version - the name comes from Turkic languages. On the hill in the 14th century was a Tatar fortress, which in this language sounds like "kermen". Later, when these lands were annexed to the Russian Empire, the names of the localities were transformed into consonants with the Slavic languages. Thus, the "Kermen" became Kremenets.
On the top of the hill are located the "stone beans" - stone monuments that were perceived by ancient people as idol-charms. There is a legend that a tribe of people who worshiped the sun once lived here. But these people angered the sun and it turned people into stone statues.
Also on the top is a monument dedicated to World War II. You can see the military equipment, as well as memorial plaques bearing the names of the dead soldiers.
Translated by: Daria Dikova
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