Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske


Coordinates: 50.002457, 35.9489393
Type of place: Parks, Wellspring
Entrance: Free
Parking: Arranged
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Partly
Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske Health resort Berminvody, Berezivske
The sources are located along the long footpath, the exact coordinates:
50.0061117, 35.9514928
50.00596, 35.9504843
50.0058428, 35.9496474
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