Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka


Coordinates: 49.6378432, 36.941185
Type of place: Unique places
Entrance: With excursion
Parking: Arranged
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Partly
Interest: High
Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka Radio Astronomical Observatory of Braude (UTR-2), Ivanivka
And you knew that Ukraine is famous not only for its culture, traditions and ethnic ties, but also for significant inventions of science. Who would not say that other countries are ahead of us in the development of medicine, science, even some new technologies; perhaps it is, but we definitely have something that is not in any corner of the world. It's about the Astronomical Observatory of Braude Radio (UTR-2). Perhaps this name does not mean anything, so we will tell you more about the specifics and work.
The Observatory itself is named after the Ukrainian radiophysicist - Braude Semen Yakovlevich. Radio Astronomical Observatory named after S.Ya. Braude belongs to the Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazin. Here is the world's largest radio telescope of the new generation GROUP, which in translation means the Giant Ukrainian Telescope and the UTR-2. The peculiarity of the radoscopes is that they are able to intercept cosmic radio waves at different frequencies - to the low-frequency decameter range, but due to their large size they cannot yet be carried into space. Approximately 25 football fields in an open field with a roadside forest belt, a fantastic picture opens up before you: amazing constructions more than three meters high each shine in the sun. These dipoles are antenna elements of the UTR-2 radio telescope. There are one hundred such elements here, not two hundred, but 2040.
Around the clock, the antennas of the UTR-2 radio telescope and even more powerful antennas of the radio telescope GROUP, are brought from the earth to specific space objects, catch radio signals from space. Soon, these signals come through cables laid in three concrete underground tunnels 2 meters high and 900 meters long each, in the receiver-recorders, collected on the basis of five computers. The computers are located in the computer center located on the first floor of the administrative building. There is also a server that is designed for collecting and express processing of all information. Another computer is responsible for guiding the UTR-2. According to the programs developed by scientists. With the help of radio telescopes UTR-2 and GROUP, there are about a dozen key research programs. These are pioneering studies of recombination radio lines under the direction of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Alexander Konovalenko, studies of the Sun, remnants of supernova outbreaks and hydrogen ionization areas, interstellar and interplanetary medium, extragalactic objects, Jupiter radio waves and lightning on Saturn
What does it mean for humanity?
Emissions from the sun’s crown mass affect the Earth’s magnetic field, and thus people. During the activity of the Sun, many people have increased blood pressure, the work of cardiac activity is disturbed. As a conclusion: we are approaching the possibility of forecasting space weather. Therefore, come and see everything with your own eyes, the wonderful guides will tell in more detail about the work of the GROUP and the UTR, discover the news that radio astronomy is not only desk science, and much more that you will not hear in any corner of the world.
How to get there!?
Radio Astronomical Observatory Braude is located in with. Ivanovka, 70 kilometers from Kharkov, an hour's drive along the highway "Kiev-Kharkov-Dovzhansky".
Coordinates: 49.6378432, 36.941185
Translation by: Jaroslava Luginets
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