Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex


Coordinates: 50.0113727, 36.0440719
Type of place: Scenic Nature, Museums, Monuments\Sights
Entrance: Free
Parking: Arranged
Official Website: http://www.mvk.kharkov.ua/
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Yes
Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex Height of Marshal Konev memorial complex

This is where the commander of the Steppe Front, Lieutenant-General Konev in August 1943 was ordered to storm the Kharkov.

In the summer of 1943 at Kursk the German fascist troops suffered a crushing defeat. A direct continuation of the Battle of Kursk was the Belgorod-Kharkov operation codenamed "Rumyantsev." Her conduct was entrusted to the forces of the Voronezh and Steppe Fronts.

Was released on August 5, Belgorod, and August 10, Konev ordered the liberation of Kharkiv. August 22, 1943 of the 53rd Army occupied favorable positions on the outskirts of Kharkov. The command post of the commander Managarov and forward command post commander of the Steppe Front Konev is located at an altitude of 193.7 meters.

To save the city from destruction, Konev ordered the storming Kharkiv in night. First entered the city on Dzerzhinsky Square (now - Freedom Square) of the 86th Infantry Division. By 11 am on August 23 Steppe Front troops completely liberated Kharkov.

In the evening of the same day Moscow saluted the liberators of twenty artillery salvoes from 224 guns. Ten divisions of the Steppe Front was awarded the honorary title "Kharkiv".

May 9, 1965 for the first time, it was decided to hold a rally on the anniversary of the Great Victory, at an altitude of 193.7. In honor of the 35th anniversary of liberation from Nazi invaders there was a memorial sign. "The height of Marshal Konev" became the center of the festivities associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War veterans meeting place.

In August 2003, the eve of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Kharkiv, has completed the reconstruction of the memorial complex "The height of Marshal Konev". Now it consists of a stele, Church of St. John the Warrior (architect - AV Chechelnitskaya) and the building of the museum, "Kharkiv in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.".

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