Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova


Coordinates: 49.4349802, 36.6838646
Type of place: Scenic Nature, Panoramas\Views, Quarry
Entrance: Free
Parking: Absent
Accessibility for people with disabilities: Not equipped
Interest: Medium
Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova Shebelinka chalk quarry, Milova
There are places you want to speak about, but there are those you want to show how you saw them.
The quarry near the village of Milova is fascinating. First, the quarry itself consists of three horizons, which in itself is an impressive view. Secondly, places of extraction are arranged by 3 lakes with water of different colors: turquoise, blue and red. The white surface reflects sunlight and dazzles. Occasionally vegetation occurs in the form of small shrubs.
It is not so easy to get into a career. Its territory belongs to the enterprise "Crepe quarry "Eurocement-Ukraine". The quarry itself is in a deep hill with a large number of other hills, and it is possible to approach the civilian only from the checkpoint, which, of course, we passed by the tenth path and came from the fields. When we took a good shots, and some even managed to make a break in water, the guard approached and asked to leave the place, promising to bring us to the exit. And they drove us along the highest ridge, from where you can see wonderful views.
The guards warned that swimming in water is dangerous, because there at the bottom of lakes they have some vechicles, which from the surface may not be visible. Why so? And how do lakes form? According to the guards, one day tpeople worked as usual on the bottom of the career. In the evening, they were deprived of it, and when they arrived in the morning, instead of the equipment saw a lake.
The place is pleasant to those who love to take pictures. Photos are atmospheric.

Author: Natalya Antsibor
Boris, 13.06.2020
Ничем особо не примечательный карьер, до которого крайне неудобно добираться. Охранник очень удивлен целому паломничеству туристов
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